Living with Bees
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Honey from Yamada Bee Farm →

Using Honey of the Yamada Bee Farm
Chinese Pungent Meat Balls

Ingredients <4 servings>
* 500 g minced pork meat
* 4 tablespoons minced leek
* 2 teaspoons ginger juice
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* Dash pepper
* 2 tablespoons sake
* White of one egg
* 4 tablespoons starch
* 1/3 to 1/2 cup chicken soup

200 g bamboo shoots
8 raw shiitake mushroom
2 packs of enoki mushrooms

4 white leeks
2 bundles garland chrysanthemum
1 burdock (medium)

40 g green bean starch noodles
1 block cotton-like tofu
Frying oil and salad oil, as needed
Herbs (to taste)

* 2 teaspoons tobanjan (Chinese hot pepper paste)
* 150 g honey
* 6 cups chicken soup
* 1/3 cup sake
* 1/3 cup soy sauce
* 1/3 teaspoon salt

Add the minced pork meat, salt, pepper, and sake, and knead by hand until the mixture becomes sticky.
Add the minced leek, raw ginger, starch, and egg white, and mix well.
Add the chicken soup slowly while mixing to adjust the texture.

Fry 1 in the frying oil heated to 180 degrees by forming 1 into a ball.
(It is sufficient that only the surface be cooked and colored; the inside may still be raw at this point.)

Cut the bamboo shoots into the thin rectangles, remove the stalk of shiitake mushroom, and remove the hard tip of the enoki mushrooms and roughly break up into pieces. Shave the burdock and thoroughly soak in water.

Cut the white leek diagonally to form long shape and cut off the roots of the garland chrysanthemum. Cut the cotton-like tofu into cubes.

Cook the green bean starch noodles in hot water for 2 to 3 minutes, put them into a draining basket, cool with water, and cut into bite-size pieces.

Heat the salad oil, fry the tobanjan to increase its spiciness, add the chicken soup and
honey seasoning to give flavor, and pour into a clay pot.
Add the ingredients of 2 to 5 to the broth of 6 as needed
and eat with the broth. You may also add herbs to taste.