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An Introduction to Beekeeping

STEP 4 : The Work of a Beekeeper: (1) The Basics

Here we will introduce all of the daily cares and jobs for beekeepers.

1. How to Handle the Bees

The most important thing in keeping bees is knowing how to handle the bees. As long as you don't disturb or jar the hive, bees will rarely sting a person. Therefore you must not run near the hive or stand in front of the hive entrance. Handling the hive roughly will make the bees bad-tempered, so the key to interacting with them is to be as gentle as you can.

2. Replacing the Queen Bee

If the queen bee is not laying eggs well, the colony itself will not thrive. If possible, it is best to replace the queen bee every year. The best way to do this is to remove the old queen bee when the flowers that provide nectar are in bloom, so that a new queen bee can be born. When the queen bee is removed, many queen cells are formed. We remove all but the biggest cell. Soon a new queen bee is born and in 10 days or so she begins to lay eggs.

3. Checking Inside: A Crucial Job

We check inside the hive once a week. The things we look for are the number and color of larvae and pupae, and the amount of honey accumulated.

Look at several frames to confirm that eggs are being laid properly.

Check how much honey has accumulated.

Disease or Pests
If we find signs of disease or bee mites that drain the bee's body fluid, action must be taken quickly. If spraying is necessary, we spray according to the instructions and make sure it does not contaminate the honey, which we eat.

Yamada Bee Farm (Kagaminocho Pref. Okayama) Copyright(C)2005 Yamada Bee Farm All Rights Reserved.