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Using Honey of the Yamada Bee Farm
Honey Sesame Noodles

Ingredients <4 servings>
(1 serving = 526 cal)

4 packages of Udon noodles
150g String beans
1 Carrot
2-3 Eggplants
3 chicken strips
1 Tablespoon Sake (cooking alcohol)
1/3 teaspoon salt

Honey Sesame Sauce
2-3 Tablespoons Honey
6 Tablespoons white onion sesame
1/3 cup Soy Sauce
250ml soup stock
2 teaspoons vinegar

Optional flavoring
Japanese Ginger

Remove the ends of the chicken strips and baste them with salt and sake.
Place in a microwave-safe bowl, cover with saran wrap, and heat for 2-3 minutes.
When completely thawed, smoothen out.

Slice the carrot into short pieces. Cut the eggplant into half and wash.


Boil the carrots until desired softness and place in a strainer. Using the same hot water as for the carrots, repeat for the string beans.
Still using the same water as in step three, boil the eggplant. After becoming soft enough to grip with chopsticks, remove from the water and squeeze out excess water.
Cut the eggplant and string beans into an appropriate size for eating and chill.
Boil the Udon noodles as written on the package, put into cold water (or ice water) for washing. Remove the water, add eggplant, carrots, string beans, chicken, and honey sesame sauce.

[Honey sesame sauce]

To onion, add honey, and slowly added soup stock. Add soy sauce and vinegar, and chill.


Yamada Bee Farm (Kagaminocho Pref. Okayama) Copyright(C)2005 Yamada Bee Farm All Rights Reserved.