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The World of Bees
All rights reserved by the Mico Group.

Honey Contains Plenty of Nutrition

Honey contains plenty of vitamin B and C, as well as calcium and natural minerals. The tiny pollen in the honey are also very nutritious.

The Sugar in Honey Is Composed of
Glucose and Fructose

Honey consists of 80% sugar. This sugar is composed of glucose and fructose, which is a big difference from the multi-saccharide saccharose. The multi-saccharide saccharose is decomposed in the intestines and becomes mono-saccharides like glucose and fructose. All sugars are eventually turned into glucose, which is the source of our energy.

Honey Doesn't Harm the Stomach and the Intestines and Is Immediately Absorbed

Glucose and fructose are mono-saccharides that appear in the form of small glucide units. They are only absorbed in the intestines after they have been decomposed into their smallest form. This means that honey, which is in itself a mono-saccharide, is absorbed very quickly in the body and does not harm the stomach or the intestines. Honey is especially effective for weak, elderly people and for sportsmen/women who need to replace their sugar reserves immediately.

Honey Is Sweeter than Sugar and Lower in Calories

Honey is sweeter than sugar and lower in calories, which means it is healthier for the body than sugar. If honey is used instead of sugar in cooking, it gives the dishes a mellow flavor. Another characteristic of honey is that flavor and taste differ according to the flowers where the honey is taken from.

Honey Gets Sweeter when the Temperature Is Lowered

Sugar gets sweeter when it is heated. Honey however, gets sweeter when cooled down. Honey is especially suitable for desserts and cold dishes.

Please come to our shop if you want to eat honey.

Yamada Bee Farm (Kagaminocho Pref. Okayama) Copyright(C)2005 Yamada Bee Farm All Rights Reserved.